Terms and Conditions
for Refer Program

This document (“Terms and Conditions” or “Policy”) provides the terms and conditions for the Exadel External Referral Program, Uzbekistan (“Program” or “External Referral Program”). A reward is given to a person who recommends and refers a successful candidate to Exadel. A ‘successful Candidate’ means a candidate who ends up being hired by Exadel and joins the company. Both (Recommender and Candidate) must be residents of Uzbekistan or legally residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Before submitting a referral to Exadel, a recommender should be assured that they have the consent of referred individuals to share their personal data with Exadel for further communication and prior evaluation of the candidate.

All personal data of participants on this Program shall be processed in accordance with our Privacy Notes.

This program is applicable to positions as advertised under the “Scope of the External Referral Program”.

For each successful referral, where a candidate is hired and meets all conditions, the amount of the reward for referring a candidate depends on the level of the position for which the candidate has been qualified for by Exadel.

Recommender (“Referrer”). A person who voluntarily participates in the External Referral program by referring eligible friends to become a Candidate.

Candidate (“Referral”). Referral means a Candidate referred by a Recommender. A candidate is a person who is not an existing employee of Exadel and who has given his/her approval for participating in the External Referral Program.

Data controller and Program Owner: Data controller of your personal data and program owner is Exadel Uzbekistan, Mirzo Ulugbek Avenue, 73, Tashkent 100007 (“Exadel”).

Processor: Exadel Inc. provides software tools (website, Greenhouse) for Referral Program and is headquartered in 1340 Treat Blvd., Suite 375, Walnut Creek CA 94597.

All personal data of participants shall be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

1. Scope of the External Referral Program

  1. The range of positions at Exadel covered by the External Referral Program includes technical positions only (including Software Engineer, Software Tester Automatic).
  2. The External Referral Program does not cover non-tech positions (including Software Tester Manual, PMs, BAs).
  3. Exadel may, at its discretion, extend the program to positions other than set out in these Terms and Conditions, e.g. those relating to technological issues for a specific project (e.g. Scrum Master), which will be indicated in the notice of open positions. Any decision in this respect shall rest with Exadel.
  4. The External Referral Program covers candidates starting from Middle-level contributors. The Program does not cover the Associate-Level Candidates (junior level).
  5. The determining factors for the award are: the position that the candidate is ultimately hired on and the level of experience established during the recruitment process – regardless of the level of experience originally declared, and the position originally applied at.
  6. The Referral Program covers positions regardless of the form of employment associated with them(employment contract, civil law contract).
  7. Referrals are valid for 3 months from the date of submission.

2. Objective

The External Referral program offers a one-time referral payment to persons unaffiliated with Exadel, to help Exadel attract, hire, and retain the very best talent.

3. Eligibility

  1. Referral awards can be granted to any Recommender who meets the conditions described in this Policy.
  2. Recommender and Candidate must be residents in, or citizens of, Uzbekistan.
  3. Recommenders under the External Referral Program can only be persons not currently employed by Exadel on the basis of an employment contract or persons cooperating with Exadel on the basis of civil law contracts.
  4. Minors or other persons who do not have full legal capacity cannot be Recommenders.
  5. Staffing/recruiting agencies or recruitment consultants are not eligible to participate in the Program.
  6. Exadel reserves the right to exclude from the program any person who sends the candidate’s data without his/her knowledge or consent or otherwise violates these Terms and Conditions – and to prohibit such a person from receiving the award.
  7. After your Candidate has successfully passed the probationary period, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire with your personal data. Personal data is needed for the purpose of creating a personal income tax settlement and making the referral program payment.
  8. In order to lawfully process the information, including Referrer’s personal data, provided by the Recommender, Exadel also provides the Candidate with the relevant data processing clause, which constitutes the form on the website and Appendix #1.

4. Non-eligible candidates

You will not be eligible for an external referral payment if the candidate you refer falls under any of the following categories:

  • Self-referral: You are recommending yourself for the role (you cannot recommend yourself);
  • Previously referred candidate: The candidate has already been referred by a current Exadel employee;
  • Current applicant to Exadel: This includes individuals who have applied to Exadel within the last 3 months;
  • Rejected candidate: The candidate has been rejected in the last 6 months;
  • Recent or current contractor, temporary worker, payrollee, or consultant;
  • Former Exadel employee;
  • Family member of a current Exadel employee;
  • Candidates who do not meet the required qualifications or experience for the position;
  • Candidates who have a conflict of interest with Exadel or its clients;
  • Candidates who do not have the legal right to work in the country where the position is located;
  • Candidates who have previously violated Exadel’s code of conduct or ethics policies.

Please note that referral payments will not be made for candidates who meet any of the above criteria.

5. Process to refer candidates

To refer candidates for potential positions at Exadel, please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Submission Method: All candidate information must be submitted through the Exadel website at https://careers.exadel.com/. Candidates recommended through any other means, without providing all the required information, or without proper identification, will not be eligible for the referral program.
  2. Required Information: To be eligible for an external referral bonus, you must provide the following information at the time of your initial submission:
    • Your name and contact information (phone number and email address);
    • The full name of the potential candidate;
    • The contact information of the potential candidate (phone number and email address);
    • The requisition number(s) to which you are referring the potential candidate.
  3. Status Updates: The Exadel recruiter will communicate status updates on the candidate’s hiring process to the recommender via email.
  4. Candidate Data:
    • CV Submission: If the candidate expresses interest in participating in the recruitment process, they are required to send their full CV to Exadel;
    • Consent and Data Processing: Upon receiving a referral, Exadel will provide the candidate with information regarding the processing of their personal data. This information can be found in Appendix #1. Exadel will confirm the candidate’s interest in participating in the recruitment process and obtaining complete data;
    • Unauthorized Data Submission: If it is discovered that a candidate’s data has been submitted without their knowledge and/or consent, Exadel will immediately cease processing the data for recruitment purposes.
  5. Multiple Recommendations: Recommenders are welcome to recommend more than one person for the program. Additionally, multiple candidates can be recommended for a single position.

6. Payment terms

  1. Exadel will process the external referral bonus within 30 calendar days after the referred employee completes the 3 month probation period.
  2. Exadel shall pay a one-time external referral payment in the amount $500 Gross for Middle position, $800 Gross for Senior position and $1000 Gross for Lead position
  3. Bonus (Referrals) paid to non-employees are subject to 12% income tax. Also pension tax at the rate of 0.1% from income tax.
  4. To be eligible for participation in the program, the referred candidate must meet the following criteria:
    • Acknowledge that they were referred by the recommender;
    • Be hired for a position eligible for the external referral program;
    • Not have been previously referred by anyone else. The first referrer will be considered the eligible recommender;
    • Not have been rejected by Exadel within the last 3 months prior to the referral;
    • Not have submitted an application for the position themselves prior to the referral;
    • Be actively employed by Exadel at the time the external referral bonus is to be paid.
  5. The recommender must complete the information provided in Privacy Notes within 30 calendar days of the request. Failure to provide the required information within this timeframe may result in the expiration of the referral award. Exadel may request additional information for payment processing, and failure to provide such information may cause a delay or cancellation of the reward payment.
  6. The referral award for a specific candidate will be granted once the referred person completes three months of continuous work. Upon fulfilling this condition and submitting the signed questionnaire in Privacy Notes, the recommender is entitled to receive their award.
  7. If the referred person is absent for at least 10 working days during the probation period, the probation period will be extended by the duration of their absence, unless Exadel decides otherwise.
  8. The referral award will be transferred to the recommender within 30 calendar days after meeting the conditions outlined in § 6. The recommender must provide the account details for the transfer, including the bank account number, the name of the holder, and, if applicable, the IBAN or SWIFT number.
  9. All referral reward amounts will be made in local national currency of the location of hire and are subject to applicable local taxes, where applicable. However, unless stipulated otherwise, it is the referrer’s responsibility to report this bonus to the relevant tax authority, if required. In other words, if any tax expense arises out of this bonus payment, the referrer/recipient is solely responsible to settle it without any further involvement from Exadel.

Appendix #1

Information clause on processing of Candidate’s personal data

Your basic personal data has been provided to us by the person who referred you for a position at Exadel Uzbekistan and who confirmed that you are interested in such a candidacy.

The scope of the Candidate’s personal data shared with us is:

  • name and surname;
  • email address;
  • English level;
  • Location;
  • Linkedin account (optional);
  • Phone number (optional).

Information clause: According to the art. 13 paragraph 1 and 2 of the General data protection regulation (GDPR) we inform that:

Data controller: Data controller of your personal data and program owner is Exadel Uzbekistan, Mirzo Ulugbek Avenue, 73, Tashkent 100007(“Exadel”)

Processor: Exadel Inc. provides software tools (website, Greenhouse) for Referral Program and is headquartered in 1340 Treat Blvd., Suite 375, Walnut Creek CA 94597.

Purposes and legal basis of processing: Your data will be processed in order to concluding the employment contract (art. 6 point 1 letter b of the General Data Protection Regulation) during recruitment and all information about processing personal data will be provided for candidate at the first contact with him.

Ushbu hujjat (“Shartlar va qoidalar” yoki “Siyosat”) Exadel Tashqi tavsiya dasturi, O‘zbekiston (“Dastur” yoki “Tashqi tavsiya dasturi”) uchun shart va qoidalarni taqdim etadi. Muvaffaqiyatli nomzodni Exadelga tavsiya qilgan va yo’naltirgan kishiga mukofot beriladi. “Muvaffaqiyatli nomzod” Exadel tomonidan ishga qabul qilingan va kompaniyaga kelib qo’shilgan nomzodni anglatadi. Har ikkisi ham (Tavsiya etuvchi va Nomzod) Oʻzbekiston rezidenti yoki Oʻzbekiston Respublikasida qonuniy istiqomat qiluvchi shaxs boʻlishi kerak.

Exadelga tavsiyanomani yuborishdan oldin, tavsiya etuvchi tavsiya etiluvchi shaxslarning shaxsiy ma’lumotlarini Exadel’ga berilishi va nomzodni oldindan baholash uchun uning roziligiga olinganligiga ishonch hosil qilishi kerak.

Ushbu dastur ishtirokchilarining barcha shaxsiy ma’lumotlari Maxfiylik eslatmalariga muvofiq qayta ishlanadi.

Ushbu dastur “Tashqi tavsiya dasturi ko’lami” doirasida e’lon qilingan lavozimlarga nisbatan qo’llaniladi.

Nomzod ishga qabul qilingan va barcha shartlarga javob beradigan har bir muvaffaqiyatli tavsiya uchun nomzodni tavsiya qilganlik uchun mukofot miqdori nomzod Exadel tomonidan ishga qabul qilingan lavozim darajasiga bog’liq.

Tavsiya etuvchi (“Yo’naltiruvchi”). Nomzod bo’lish uchun mos keluvchi do’stlarini yuborish orqali ixtiyoriy ravishda “Tashqi tavsiya dasturi” dasturida qatnashadigan shaxsni anglatadi.

Nomzod (“Yo’naltirilgan”). Nomzod Tavsiya etuvchi tomonidan yuborilgan nomzodni anglatadi. Nomzod Exadel kompaniyasining hozirdagi xodimi bo’lmagan va Tashqi tavsiya dasturida ishtirok etish uchun o’z roziligini bergan shaxs hisoblanadi.

Maʼlumotlar boshqaruvchisi va Dastur egasi: Shaxsiy maʼlumotlaringiz boshqaruvchisi va dastur egasi Toshkent sh., 100007 Mirzo Ulugbek shoh koʻchasi, 73 uyi manzilida joylashgan Exadel Uzbekistan (“Exadel”).

Protsessor (Qayta ishlovchi): Exadel Inc. Tavsiya dasturi uchun dasturiy vositalarni (veb-sayt, Greenhouse sistemasi) taqdim etadi va bosh ofisi 1340 Trit bulvari, 375, Uolnat qirg’og’i CA 94597 manzilida joylashgan.

Ishtirokchilarning barcha shaxsiy ma’lumotlari Maxfiylik siyosatimizga muvofiq qayta ishlanadi.

1. Tashqi tavsiya dasturi ko’lami

  1. Exadel kompaniyasining Tashqi tavsiya dasturi qamrab oladigan lavozimlar qatoriga faqat texnik lavozimlar kiradi (shu jumladan, Dasturiy taʼminot muhandisi, Dasturiy ta’minotni avtomatlashtirish sinovchisi).
  2. Tashqi tavsiya dasturi texnik bo’lmagan lavozimlarni qamrab olmaydi (shu jumladan, Dasturiy ta’minot manual sinovchisi, Loyiha menejeri (PM), Biznes tahlilchisi (BA)).
  3. Exadel, o’z ixtiyoriga ko’ra, dasturni ushbu Shart va qoidalarda nazarda tutilmagan boshqa lavozimlarga kengaytirishi mumkin, masalan, vakansiyalar haqidagi xabarnomada keltrilgan biron bir loyihadagi texnologik masalalar bilan bog’liq lavozimlar (masalan, Skram menedjeri). Bu boradagi har qanday qarorni Exadel o’z ixtiyoriga ko’ra qabul qiladi.
  4. Tashqi tavsiya dasturi O’rta darajadan (Middle) boshlanadigan nomzodlarni qamrab oladi. Dastur Kichik darajadagi nomzodlarni (Associate yoki Junior daraja) qamrab olmaydi.
  5. Mukofotning hal qiluvchi omillari quyidagilardir: nomzod oxir-oqibat ishga qabul qilingan lavozim va ishga qabul qilish jarayonida aniqlangan tajribasi – dastlab ko’rsatilib o’tilgan tajribasi va topshirilgan lavozimdan qat’iy nazar.
  6. Tavsiya dasturi ular bilan bog’liq bo’lgan mehnat shartnomasi shaklidan qat’i nazar (mehnat shartnomasi, fuqarolik-huquqiy shartnoma) barcha lavozimlarni qamrab oladi.
  7. Tavsiyanomalar taqdim etilgan kundan boshlab 3 oy davomida amal qiladi.

2. Maqsad

Tashqi tavsiya dasturi Exadelga eng yaxshi iste’dodlarni jalb qilish, ishga olish va saqlab qolishda yordam berganliklari uchun Exadel bilan aloqasi bo’lmagan shaxslarga bir martalik tavsiya qilganlik to’lovini beradi.

3. Muvofiqlik

  1. Tavsiya mukofotlari ushbu Siyosatda tavsiflangan shartlarga javob beradigan har qanday Tavsiya etuvchiga berilishi mumkin.
  2. Tavsiya etuvchi va Nomzod O’zbekiston rezidenti yoki O’zbekiston fuqarosi bo’lishi kerak.
  3. Tashqi tavsiya dasturi bo‘yicha Tavsiya etuvchilar faqat Exadel kompaniyasida mehnat shartnomasi asosida ishlamayotgan shaxslar yoki Exadel bilan fuqarolik-huquqiy shartnomalar asosida hamkorlik qiluvchi shaxslargina bo‘lishi mumkin.
  4. Voyaga yetmaganlar yoki to’liq muomala layoqatiga ega bo’lmagan boshqa shaxslar Tavsiya etuvchi bo’la olmaydi.
  5. Kadrlar/ishga joylash agentliklari yoki ishga qabul qilish bo’yicha maslahatchilar Dasturda ishtirok etish huquqiga ega emaslar.
  6. Exadel nomzodning ma’lumotlarini uni o’zi bilmagan holda yoki roziligisiz yuborgan yoki ushbu Shartlarni boshqacha tarzda buzgan har qanday shaxsni dasturdan chiqarib tashlash va bunday shaxsga mukofot olishni ta’qiqlash huquqini o’zida saqlab qoladi.
  7. Nomzodingiz sinov muddatidan muvaffaqiyatli o‘tgandan so‘ng, sizdan shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringiz bilan anketa to‘ldirishingiz so‘raladi. Shaxsiy ma’lumotlar shaxsiy daromad solig’i bo’yicha hisob-kitoblarni va tavsiya dasturi to’lovini amalga oshirish uchun kerak.
  8. Tavsiya etuvchi tomonidan taqdim etilgan ma’lumotlarni, shu jumladan Tavsiya etuvchining shaxsiy ma’lumotlarini qonuniy ravishda qayta ishlash bilan birga, Exadel, Nomzodga №1 Ilovadagi va veb-saytda berilgan shaklni tashkil etuvchi tegishli ma’lumotlarni qayta ishlash bandini taqdim etadi.

4. Mos kelmagan nomzodlar

Agar siz taklif qilgan nomzod quyidagi toifalardan biriga kirsa, siz Tashqi tavsiya toʻlovini olish huquqiga ega boʻlmaysiz:

  • O’z-o’zini tavsiya qilish: Siz o’zingizni lavozimga tavsiya qilganda (siz o’zingizni tavsiya qila olmaysiz);
  • Ilgari tavsiya etilgan nomzod: Nomzod allaqachon Exadel xodimi tomonidan tavsiya etilib bo’lingan;
  • Exadelga joriy arizasi mavjud bo’lganlar: Bunga oxirgi 3 oy ichida Exadelga ish bo’yicha ariza topshirgan shaxslar kiradi;
  • Rad etilgan nomzod: So’nggi 6 oy ichida rad etilgan Nomzod;
  • Sal ilgarigi pudratchi bo’lgan yoki amaldagi pudratchi, vaqtincha ishchi, maosh oluvchi yoki maslahatchi;
  • Exadelning sobiq xodimi;
  • Hozirgi Exadel xodimining oila a’zosi;
  • Lavozim uchun talab qilinadigan malaka yoki tajribaga javob bermaydigan nomzodlar;
  • Exadel yoki uning mijozlari bilan manfaatlar to’qnashuvida bo’lgan nomzodlar;
  • Lavozim joylashgan mamlakatda qonuniy ishlash huquqiga ega bo’lmagan nomzodlar;
  • Ilgari Exadelning axloq kodeksini yoki axloq qoidalarini buzgan nomzodlar.

Shuni bilingki, yuqoridagi mezonlardan birortasiga mos keladigan nomzodlarga tavsiya to’lovlari amalga oshirilmaydi.

5. Nomzodlarni tavsiya qilish jarayoni

Exadel’dagi potentsial lavozimlarga nomzodlarni tavsiya qilish uchun, iltimos, quyida ko’rsatilgan bosqichlarni bajaring:

  1. Topshirish usuli: Nomzod haqidagi barcha ma’lumotlar https://careers.exadel.com/’dagi Exadel veb-sayti orqali topshirilishi kerak. Barcha kerakli ma’lumotlarni taqdim etmasdan yoki identifikatsiya to’g’ri o’tmasdan boshqa vositalar orqali tavsiya etilgan nomzodlar tavsiya dasturida qatnasha olmaydi.
  2. Talab etiladigan ma’lumotlar: Tashqi tavsiya bonusiga da’vo qilish uchun siz dastlab topshirayotganingizda quyidagi ma’lumotlarni taqdim etishingiz kerak:
    • Ismingiz va aloqa ma’lumotlari (telefon raqami va elektron pochta manzili);
    • Potentsial nomzodning to’liq ismi (F.I.Sh.);
    • Potentsial nomzodning aloqa ma’lumotlari (telefon raqami va elektron pochta manzili);
    • Siz potentsial nomzodni tavsiya qilayotgan arizaning raqami(lari).
  3. Holat bo’yicha yangiliklar: Exadel kadrlarni ishga qabul qilish boyicha xodimi nomzodni ishga olish jarayoni holati haqidagi yangiliklarni tavsiya etuvchiga elektron pochta orqali xabar beradi.
  4. Nomzodning ma’lumotlari:
    • Rezyumeni jo’natish: Agar nomzod ishga qabul qilish jarayonida ishtirok etish istagini bildirsa, ular o’zlarining to’liq rezyumelarini Exadelga yuborishlari kerak;
    • Rozilik va Ma’lumotlarni qayta ishlash: Tavsiyanomani olgandan so’ng, Exadel nomzodga shaxsiy ma’lumotlarini qayta ishlashga oid ma’lumotlarni taqdim etadi. Ushbu ma’lumotlarni 1-ilovada topish mumkin. Exadel nomzodning ishga qabul qilish jarayonida ishtirok etishga qiziqishi va to’liq ma’lumotlarini olaolishi haqida tasdiqni oladi;
    • Roziliksiz ma’lumotlarni taqdim etish: Agar nomzodning ma’lumotlari ularning bilimi va/yoki roziligisiz topshirilganligi aniqlansa, Exadel ishga olish bo’yicha ma’lumotlarni qayta ishlashni darhol to’xtatadi.
  5. Bir nechta Tavsiyanomalar: Tavsiya etuvchilar dastur uchun bir nechta odamni tavsiya qilishlari mumkin. Bundan tashqari, bitta lavozimga bir nechta nomzod tavsiya etish ham mumkin.

6. To’lov shartlari

  1. Exadel Tashqi tavsiya dasturi bonusi to’lovini tavsiya etilgan xodim 3 oylik sinov muddatini tugatgandan keyin 30 kalendar kuni ichida amalga oshiradi.
  2. Exadel O’rta (Middle) lavozim uchun hisoblangan $500 (Yalpi summa ya’ni soliqlar oldidan), Yuqori (Senior) lavozim uchun hisoblangan $800 (Yalpi summa ya’ni soliqlar oldidan) va Yetakchi (Lead) lavozim uchun hisoblangan $1000 (Yalpi summa ya’ni soliqlar oldidan) miqdorida bir martalik Tashqi tavsiya dasturi to’lovini to’laydi.
  3. Xodim bo’lmagan shaxslarga to‘lanadigan bonus (Tavsiya) 12% daromad solig‘iga tortiladi. Shuningdek, daromad solig’idan 0,1% stavkada pensiya solig’i solinadi.
  4. Dasturda ishtirok etish uchun tavsiya etilgan nomzod quyidagi mezonlarga javob berishi kerak:
    • Tavsiya etuvchi tomonidan tavsiya etilganligini tan olish;
    • Tashqi tavsiya dasturiga mos keladigan lavozimga ishga qabul qilingan bo’lish;
    • Ilgari hech kim tomonidan tavsiya etilmagan bo’lish. Birinchi tavsiya etgan shaxs Tavsiya etuvchi hisoblanadi;
    • Tavsiya etilishdan oldin oxirgi 3 oy ichida Exadel tomonidan rad etilmagan bo’lish;
    • Tavsiya etilishdan oldin nomzodning o’zlari lavozimga ariza topshirmagan bo’lish;
    • Tashqi tavsiya dasturi bonusi to’lanishi kerak bo’lgan vaqtda Exadelda ishlayotgan bo’lish.
  5. Tavsiya etuvchi so’rovdan keyin 30 kalendar kuni ichida Maxfiylik eslatmalarida ko’rsatilgan ma’lumotlarni to’ldirishi kerak. Ushbu muddat ichida kerakli ma’lumotlarni taqdim etmaslik tavsiyanoma mukofotining muddati tugashiga olib kelishi mumkin. Exadel to’lovni amalga oshirish uchun qo’shimcha ma’lumot so’rashi mumkin va bunday ma’lumotlarni taqdim etmaslik mukofot to’lovining kechikishi yoki bekor qilinishiga olib kelishi mumkin.
  6. Muayyan nomzod uchun tavsiya mukofoti tavsiya etilgan shaxs uch oylik uzluksiz ishlaganidan so’ng beriladi. Ushbu shartni bajarib, Maxfiylik eslatmalaridagi imzolangan so’rovnomani topshirgandan so’ng, tavsiya beruvchi o’z mukofotini olish huquqiga ega bo’ladi.
  7. Agar sinov muddati davomida tavsiya etilgan shaxs kamida 10 ish kuni bo‘lmasada ishlamagan bo’sa sinov muddati ularning yo‘qligi muddati davomiga uzaytiriladi yoki agar Exadel boshqacha qaror qabul qilmasa.
  8. Tavsiya mukofoti 6-bandda ko’rsatilgan shartlar bajarilgandan keyin 30 kalendar kun ichida Tavsiya etuvchiga o’tkaziladi. Tavsiya etuvchi pul o’tkazish uchun hisob ma’lumotlarini, shu jumladan bank hisob raqamini, egasining nomini va, tegishli bo’lsa, IBAN yoki SWIFT raqamini taqdim etishi kerak..
  9. Tavsiya mukofoti to’lovi ishga olingan joyning milliy valyutasida amalga oshiriladi va, agar tegishli bo’lsa, mahalliy soliqlarga tortiladi. Biroq, tegishli bo’lsa, agar boshqacha qoida nazarda tutilmagan bo’lsa ushbu bonus haqida soliq organlariga xabar berish Tavsiya etuvchining majburiyatidir. Boshqacha qilib aytganda, agar ushbu bonus to’lovidan har qanday soliq xarajatlari yuzaga kelsa, Exadel kompaniyasining ishtirokisiz uni to’lash faqat tavsiya etuvchi/oluvchi majburiyati hisoblanadi.


Nomzodning shaxsiy ma’lumotlarini qayta ishlash to’g’risidagi ma’lumot bandi

Sizning asosiy shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringiz bizga Exadel Uzbekistan kompaniyasidagi lavozimga tavsiya etgan va sizning bunday nomzodlikka qiziqishingizni tasdiqlagan shaxs tomonidan taqdim etilgan.

Nomzodning bizga topshirilgan shaxsiy ma’lumotlarning doirasi:

  • Ism va familiyangiz;
  • E-mail manzili;
  • Ingliz tilini bilish darajasi;
  • Manzil;
  • Linkedin hisobi/akkaunti (ixtiyoriy);
  • Telefon raqami (ixtiyoriy).

Ma’lumot bandi: Ma’lumotlarni himoya qilish bo’yicha umumiy nizomining (MHQUN) 13-moddasi, 1 va 2-paragraflariga binoan biz quyidagilarni ma’lum qilamiz:

Ma’lumotlar nazoratchisi: Shaxsiy ma’lumotlaringiz nazoratchisi va dastur egasi – Toshkent shahar, 100007 Mirzo Ulug’bek shoh ko’chasi, 73 uy manzilida joylashgan, Exadel Uzbekistan (“Exadel”)

Protsessor (Qayta ishlovchi): Exadel Inc. Tavsiya dasturi uchun dasturiy vositalarni (veb-sayt, Greenhouse sistemasi) taqdim etadi va bosh ofisi 1340 Trit bulvari, 375, Uolnat qirg’og’i CA 94597 manzilida joylashgan.

Qayta ishlashning maqsadlari va huquqiy asoslari: Ishga qabul qilish paytida sizning ma’lumotlaringiz mehnat shartnomasini (Ma’lumotlarni himoya qilish bo’yicha Umumiy Nizomning 6-moddasi 1-paragrafi b bandi) tuzish uchun qayta ishlanadi va shaxsiy ma’lumotlarni qayta ishlash bo’yicha barcha ma’lumotlar nomzodga u bilan birinchi aloqadayoq taqdim etiladi.